This Adventurous Life

A young couple exploring the world…and their 30's

Posts tagged ‘Europe’

Roman Colosseum

Inside the Colosseum of Rome. Taking this photograph convinced me that black and white photography would be an art worth mastering.

Last winter we spent a few whirlwind days in Rome hitting the highlights. Some of the most enchanting spots were the remnants of the ancient Roman empire still standing after 2 millennia.

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We have some catching up to do, putting it mildly.  We haven’t yet shared how we started off 2012.  We typically don’t consider Europe when we travel because, you know, you can “do” it with kids.  One of our main travel philosophies is to take advantage of our young, healthy, energetic, kidless status…a philosophy we have REALLY strayed from this year, and happily.  (but we are planning to make up for it in 2013!)
January 1, 2012 we landed in Rome to power through the city in typical tourist fashion visiting all of the amazing art, architecture, and historical sites we were tested on years ago in art history courses.  Here is a preview of our time in the capital.  Please do come back soon for specifics on this trip and stories of the many additional trips we have yet to share with you from this year.
…. enjoyed delicious food
….and shot away with our new cameras
Founded in 753 BC with its fountains, aqueducts, bridges, statues, and columns, Rome continues to be saturated with legendary beauty.  We were happy to go in the “off-season” because we can’t imagine the dense crowds that befall on the city in the summer.  This is the Arch of Constantine as seen from the Colosseum.  The Arch of Constantine was the finish line for the 1960 Summer Olympics marathon event.  
….meandered through the slim streets of the city.  
Rome’s history is incredible!  Roman architecture was first starting to be restored before the USA was even a figment of thought.  

Like I said, we have a lot of catching up to do including posts on specific experiences we had in Rome.   So, do come back soon because we will more consistently be sharing our travels with you!